Now, I don't know how many of you out there watch Grey's Anatomy. I feel like everyone does...but I'm a medical student and I feel like most of us feel duty-bound to watch it every week. But they are currently playing out a rather horrible version of the boyfriend-sweater curse. I noticed it this past Thursday and and started freaking out about how Izzie was a victim of the curse...and then had to explain to my two non-knitter classmates who were watching it with me what the sweater curse was, I suspect they still think I'm a bit crazy. Although I kinda doubt that the curse is meant to kill the recipient...but you know what I mean.
Speaking of spending 20 hours in the library this weekend...yeah I know that wasn't what I was just talking about but my brain is getting fuzzy...bear with me. One of my fellow classmates, who spends just about as much time in the library as I do, has been giving me a hard time about virtually living in the library. Admittedly, he seems to be of the persuasion that because I am on Psych I don't have to study. This would be true if I hadn't been completely stupid and chosen Consult. Seriously, I am regularly in the hospital until 6:30 or 7:00...Psych is supposed to be a "vacation rotation"!! The attending I'm with is brilliant and I'm learning tons from him, but it's kinda making me hate the rotation. My first day was by far the worst day of medical school so far. I was given two tasks for the day, do a Mini Mental on this patient, and find out more about what's been going on with her and her past psychiatric history. I was in and out of her room all day trying to do the exam, she wouldn't stay awake long enough for me to do it. I spent hours combing the records in the computer and the ones sent from the nursing home to find out who to call for more information and was greeted with dead-ends all over. I expressed my exasperation to the social worker who helped me get the records from one of the hospitals...but they didn't come until after 5PM. I met with the attending at about 4:30 and was basically forced to admit that I had managed to do nothing all day, though not for lack of trying. The records came from that one hospital before he was done with me for the day so it wasn't totally useless...but it was damn close. I actually almost cried...that's how frustrated I was. I will make sure to warn all of my fellow medical student about the horrors of Consult at Baystate. Now...I'll stop being a baby about it and just be grateful that I'm learning so much from this guy...even if he does think that it's perfectly acceptable to keep me in the hospital till 7PM on a Friday for no apparent reason.
Happy knitting everyone!! Good luck to all my fellow NaKniSweMo knitters!!
YAY! Looks awesome! Lovely buttons. Yep, shiny IS you. You are on a roll. I wish I had more time this weekend, UGH on life happening. Here's for hoping for more time this week. For both of us.
Those buttons are going to look great!
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