So much knitterly stuff has happened since the last time I gave you anything! I finished the Gray Dashing that I had been working on...after running out of yarn and having to buy more. I bought some really pretty yarn while I was at JoAnn's getting the yarn I needed for my Gray Dashing...because I am dangerous when in the presence of yarn. I started a new set of with gussets! And I have a couple funny stories for you. So let's start with some pictures...
These are the Dashing that ran out of yarn. In a desperate attempt to not run out of yarn I shortened most of the hand portion of the gloves. I did 20 of the 24 suggested rows between the last cable and the opening for the thumb; and 10 of the 18 rows between the thumb and the top of the glove. I still ran out of off I went to JoAnn's where I purchased:
After my exams were all done I started in on my next pair of fingerless mittens. My friend Sarah had expressed interest in my first pair of Dashing so I decided that I would make a pair for her for Christmas. She also expressed her dislike for the gap-y thumb that is built into the pattern. So I've opted to use a gusset thumb. I'll give more details when I've finished the pair. But here you can see the first one finished:
Since this was the long weekend and my break from studying I spent a fair amount of time out and about with friends this weekend. Friday involved a little bit of morning drinking celebrating the end of hell week...followed by a very yummy and very cheap lunch in Chinatown. It was on the way home from the train station that my second funny story happened. Let me start by saying that my dad drops me off and picks me up at the train most days to save money on parking ($10/week adds up!). But because I was coming home early on Friday and my Dad had taken some of his use-it-or-lose-it vacation I got to take the car. On the way home from the train I drove home the same was as always and I looked at one of the stores across the street from me. "Fancy Purls"...I thought "Hey, that's spelled like a knitting purl!" I continued down the street trying to look in the window to see what's inside while not getting myself killed...and I see shelves full of yarn and I scream "Ohmigod YARN!!!!!" At this point I had to remind myself that I was driving and that I should pay attention to the road...but YARN!!! Later that night Aaron took me out to dinner for my birthday to Aculpoco's. It was good to catch up and see him again. Saturday I went to the Cranberry Harvest Festival in Wareham with Enid and her adorable son Adam. It was so pretty!
Have no doubt, you ARE a talented knitter!
Pretty cranberry photos, wish I could have gone!
Mr. Adam is as adorable as usual ;)
Yay for hanging out Sun!
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