Thursday, August 28, 2008

When pimping becomes fun...'s been a while since I've posted. But I have a rather fun story for all of you today. First I'll start with a little bit of medical education so that it all makes a little more sense and seems a whole lot less random.

Sometimes people's arteries dilate and form aneurysms. When the aneurysms get big, they are prone to rupture or clotting. Rupture is bad because you can bleed out pretty quickly, and clotting is bad because part of the clot can break loose and then something farther down the artery loses blood supply. So when aneurysms are found and they get big enough to be concerning, the patient will typically have and operation to repair said aneurysm. There are a few different options for repairing the aneurysm, most of them involve some sort of synthetic artery substitute. One brand of substitute is made of fabric...this is where the pimping became fun :P

Attending: So Moriah, what's the difference between woven fabric and knitted fabric?
Moriah: *looks like Christmas came early* Well, woven fabric involves many separate fibers that are placed around each other such that they form a mesh of sorts. Knitted fabric is a series of inter-locking loops.
Attending: *looks slightly startled by the rapidness of my response* Yes, exactly. Now, how do you think they make these knitted grafts?
Moriah: Hmm...probably some sort of modified sock-knitting machine.
Attending: *looks slightly baffled* Close...technically the machines were originally used to make pantyhose. So, how do you think they add arms to these knitted grafts?
Moriah: I have a pretty good idea about how to do it as far and knitting is concerned, but I'm sure they do it a little bit differently in this case.
Attending: *clearly feels better now that I haven't completely stolen his factoid thunder* They have little old ladies who sew them on! Isn't that amazing?!?!?
Moriah: Yeah, that's pretty cool. *misses having time to knit socks*
*Some time later*
Resident: You seem to know a lot about knitting...
Moriah: Yes, well, it's one of my hobbies. I used to knit all the time...knit all through lecture last year, but I haven't had much time to knit during this rotation.
Resident: Wow...that's pretty cool. Ok, you're gonna sew now. *hands me the loaded needle driver and forceps* Watch me and I'll show you what I want you to do.
Moriah: *does happy dance in her head*

Today? Inherently awesome...almost as awesome as when a different attending let me remove a patient's appendix (have no fear...he was in complete control of the situation the entire time).

I'm loving this rotation for the most part. I have days where nothing is going on and there's nothing for me to do and I kinda want to stab myself in the eye...but most days are lots and lots of fun....hard work, but fun.


Bea said...

Its good you are enjoying it. Does that mean when they let you remove an appendix all by yourself we should be fearful?

Miss Me said...

the grafts have arms? i think i need an explanation here... glad that you're enjoying the rotation, but i'm even happier that it is something that i will NEVER have to do! ; )

kim tori said...

That's pretty cool. If only I'd known that they are knitted when we learnt about AAAs in class last block - the synthetic substitute knowledge might have stuck a little more!

Unknown said...

HAHAH You had me hysterical. That's awesome. Little did they know they were talking to a knitter. :) ::MUAH::

ASCRS 2017

So I had the awesome opportunity to present some of my research at the annual meeting for the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgery. ...