Today I scrubbed in on an incisional hernia repair. The attending placed all the sutures through the fascia (the tough part beneath the muscles for you lay people) and then placed mesh over the hernia. He then set about trying to pull all of these loose threads through the holes in the mesh, he started out with some small pointy clamps but then one of the nurses asked him if he wanted a crochet hook. I'm pretty sure my eyes bulged out of my head. The nurse came back with this crazy crazy small hook and the attending set to work...he kept getting caught on the mesh and I couldn't help snickering to myself. Why, you ask? Because I couldn't help but get the feeling that my fiber arts skillz would have made me much much faster that both the attending and my resident. But I was a good little med student...I did not give them pointers, I did not laugh, I stood there holding my scissors ready and waiting to cut any knots that might need trimming.
The saddest part of this whole story? Aside from petting my Doctor's bag everyday on the shuttle to and from the hospital this is the only remotely fibery thing going on in my life. I have not knit a single stitch since orientation on the 7th. Ah well...better get back to my reading, I have a conference on lung cancer tomorrow and I need to be prepared! Happy knitting everyone!
1 comment:
HAHAHA If that doesn't motivate you to pick up a hook, I don't know what will :) See, we knew your fibery skills would come in handy! haha (still laughing)
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