Monday, September 10, 2007

Ok, ok, ok!'ve convinced me...I'll but new yarn! I'm gonna wait until I get closer to actually knitting it to buy the yarn...but I'm going back and forth between the Claret Heather and the Onyx Heather. I know I want dark and something that looks good with black since I have the black handles already.

Had my Psychopathology midterm this would appear that they left off a whole section of questions since there was no pharmacology on there whatsoever. Now I just have some time to kill until my next class. Someday they will not inadvertenly schedule like an hour and a half for most of us to be free between the exam and class. Ah well...time to get back to studying for that online quiz that's due tomorrow night.

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ASCRS 2017

So I had the awesome opportunity to present some of my research at the annual meeting for the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgery. ...