So...this weekend I tried to work on my Column of Leaves scarf a bit just for a change of pace. I'm struggling so hard on this sucker its not even funny. I'll make it a couple rows and then out of no where I've skipped a few stitches in the directions or something because I have far many more stitches than I need to finish the row. Now there are a few things that I think may be causing some or all of my issues.
1) The directions for a specific row wrap to a second line
2) I have yet to implement a lifeline
3) This is my first lace-type project
4) I seem to only be working on it really late at night
So my thoughts are that I will frog...again...find some yarn to use as a life line so that I don't have to start from scratch all the the time. Rewrite the pattern so that the directions for a single row are on one line. Put the pattern in a sheet protector and grab a dry erase marker so that I can cross off stitches as I do them. Try not to cry. Any other suggestions that you might have for me are more than welcome.
I think that it's time for me to go back to the mind-numbing cables of the Reversible Cable Scarf and the never-ending moss stitch of the Warm Up America Afghan.
On the plus side I get to see Yarn Harlot later this week with Alicia. Hopefully I won't have to get into work too early so that I don't pass out in the middle of something important/fun.
Monday, July 30, 2007
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Oooooo Quiz!!
What kind of knitting needles are you? |
You are "turbo" charged.Fast moving and classy, you get things done with power and grace. Your expensive tastes can be deceiving, since what you really value is quality and efficiency. As you're careening around those corners in life, finishing a dozen knitted objects each month, stop and smell the roses. Don't miss the beauty of process! Take this quiz! Quizilla | Join | Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code |
What a Week!
It's been quite a week around here...not much knitting got done but I got to see a lot of people I haven't seen in a while. Let's see how much of this I actually remember.
Ah the night of Harry Potter. So the thing in Harvard square wasn't all that fun while we were there...but then again we were there at like 5:30 so that may have had something to do with it. There wasn't really anyone at the Barnes and Noble party at the Prudential it was the typical amount of people you would expect in a bookstore and 7PM on a Friday night...just some of them were dressed up like witches and wizards. We catch a train home and get out wristbands for our books and then leave to go eat dinner and pick up my car and drop off leftovers from dinner. Back at the store we nab some of the last trivia sheets and Sarah bought a bunch of books and cds. We head outside at like 11 to go wait in line and there's a nebulous group of people standing in the area where our group is supposed to be so we stand in said nebulous group...shortly thereafter one of the employees says to get on the sidewalk or go to the end of the we get on the sidewalk. About a half-hour later big-gray-haired bouncer-type guy walks up to us and calls us scum for cutting all those little kids who have been waiting for this book. Looking back on this we should have moved toward the back of the line when they told us to get on the sidewalk but that didn't occur to us then and my friend refused to be bullied my this stranger who had no apparent authority. Time progresses and these two little girls, I'm talking like 6 - 8 range are making their way to the front of the line with Dad. Big bouncer guy comes over and says hi to them and has a nice little conversation about them about how excited they are for the mention of them cutting the line at all! Clearly it's okay for Dad to teach his kids to cut in line because they're little and they deserve to get the book before the kids who have essentially been waiting for this book since BEFORE THEY WERE BORN!! It's time to go inside and bouncer guy starts having a fit and swearing at my friend and I as we go in (PS the two little girls wedged themselves in between me and my friend) he appears to be on staff in some way because he is also inside directing the line and proceeds to swear at us again when we get to that portion of the line. Again I'll admit to being an ass...but you don't yell at me for cutting in line, ignore the fact that other people are cutting in line just because they have little kids with them, and then swear like a truck driver at me within earshot of said little kids because I didn't do what you wanted. You, sir, are not my mother, and therefore I will not put up with your attempts at guilting me, end of story.
Read Harry Potter. Was good. Not going to say anything else since it seems that most people did not sit down and finish it in one day.
Made my way out to Amherst to see Brendan...we went to lunch, played with the cats, and just hung out for a little while nothing terribly special but it was nice since I haven't seen him in about a year. On the way home I stopped for gas because my trip odometer has been wonky and I knew I had driven at least 230 miles and since the gauge said I had about a quarter of a tank I thought it was time. I turn up a random side street to go by CVS on the way home and I happen on a motorcycle accident that had happened about 30 seconds before I got there. Not sure what happened exactly but I do know that the poor guy probably lost his foot because of the accident and that his Mom who was not that far behind him on her own bike will take a very long time to stop blaming herself. I say this because after lending her my cell phone and driving her to the hospital he was being MedFlighted from I know that she was definitely blaming herself because she encouraged him to get the bike in the first place. It was very sad and very nerve-wracking. I was a little bit shaky when I finally got home.
Just work nothing too special.
Work...of course. After work I headed over to Chinatown to meet a couple of my friends from med school for dinner. We were waiting for Elinor to show up from Wellesley but she either missed the train or the train decided not to come. After about an hour she decided not to come in because she wasn't going o be in Boston very long before she had to head back home. So Laura, Susana, and I headed over to Rock Bottom for dinner and had a good time for ourselves. Then I headed back to Laura's apartment to get the keys to her boyfriend's car. We walk over to his car to find it booted because he didn't pay his parking tickets. So we walk back to her apartment to see if we can borrow his friend's car since and this point I have missed the commuter rail back home. Boyfriend and friend are gone to Best Buy so we wait for them to come back so that we can borrow the car. I finally got home at like quarter of 11...awesome! At least I had was definitely and adventure.
Went over to Sarah's to just chill and watch TV for a while. Nothing major. I also had an appointment with my allergist and was given a Nasal Lavage kit to try and make my nose happier. "Lavage" makes this process sound is not. This morning I took warm salty water and sprayed it up my nose until it came out the other nostril...definitely not a pleasant experience. I did knit for like 10 minutes last night...I did the first pattern row on the Column of Leaves scarf. Pathetic I know but it's all the knitting I've done this week!
Is payday and therefore awesome. Other than that I very much intend to stay home tonight and knit...most likely the Reversible Cable scarf since I would very much like to finish it at some point in the near future so that I can get to work on something else. Hopefully I'll have some pictures next time.
Ah the night of Harry Potter. So the thing in Harvard square wasn't all that fun while we were there...but then again we were there at like 5:30 so that may have had something to do with it. There wasn't really anyone at the Barnes and Noble party at the Prudential it was the typical amount of people you would expect in a bookstore and 7PM on a Friday night...just some of them were dressed up like witches and wizards. We catch a train home and get out wristbands for our books and then leave to go eat dinner and pick up my car and drop off leftovers from dinner. Back at the store we nab some of the last trivia sheets and Sarah bought a bunch of books and cds. We head outside at like 11 to go wait in line and there's a nebulous group of people standing in the area where our group is supposed to be so we stand in said nebulous group...shortly thereafter one of the employees says to get on the sidewalk or go to the end of the we get on the sidewalk. About a half-hour later big-gray-haired bouncer-type guy walks up to us and calls us scum for cutting all those little kids who have been waiting for this book. Looking back on this we should have moved toward the back of the line when they told us to get on the sidewalk but that didn't occur to us then and my friend refused to be bullied my this stranger who had no apparent authority. Time progresses and these two little girls, I'm talking like 6 - 8 range are making their way to the front of the line with Dad. Big bouncer guy comes over and says hi to them and has a nice little conversation about them about how excited they are for the mention of them cutting the line at all! Clearly it's okay for Dad to teach his kids to cut in line because they're little and they deserve to get the book before the kids who have essentially been waiting for this book since BEFORE THEY WERE BORN!! It's time to go inside and bouncer guy starts having a fit and swearing at my friend and I as we go in (PS the two little girls wedged themselves in between me and my friend) he appears to be on staff in some way because he is also inside directing the line and proceeds to swear at us again when we get to that portion of the line. Again I'll admit to being an ass...but you don't yell at me for cutting in line, ignore the fact that other people are cutting in line just because they have little kids with them, and then swear like a truck driver at me within earshot of said little kids because I didn't do what you wanted. You, sir, are not my mother, and therefore I will not put up with your attempts at guilting me, end of story.
Read Harry Potter. Was good. Not going to say anything else since it seems that most people did not sit down and finish it in one day.
Made my way out to Amherst to see Brendan...we went to lunch, played with the cats, and just hung out for a little while nothing terribly special but it was nice since I haven't seen him in about a year. On the way home I stopped for gas because my trip odometer has been wonky and I knew I had driven at least 230 miles and since the gauge said I had about a quarter of a tank I thought it was time. I turn up a random side street to go by CVS on the way home and I happen on a motorcycle accident that had happened about 30 seconds before I got there. Not sure what happened exactly but I do know that the poor guy probably lost his foot because of the accident and that his Mom who was not that far behind him on her own bike will take a very long time to stop blaming herself. I say this because after lending her my cell phone and driving her to the hospital he was being MedFlighted from I know that she was definitely blaming herself because she encouraged him to get the bike in the first place. It was very sad and very nerve-wracking. I was a little bit shaky when I finally got home.
Just work nothing too special.
Work...of course. After work I headed over to Chinatown to meet a couple of my friends from med school for dinner. We were waiting for Elinor to show up from Wellesley but she either missed the train or the train decided not to come. After about an hour she decided not to come in because she wasn't going o be in Boston very long before she had to head back home. So Laura, Susana, and I headed over to Rock Bottom for dinner and had a good time for ourselves. Then I headed back to Laura's apartment to get the keys to her boyfriend's car. We walk over to his car to find it booted because he didn't pay his parking tickets. So we walk back to her apartment to see if we can borrow his friend's car since and this point I have missed the commuter rail back home. Boyfriend and friend are gone to Best Buy so we wait for them to come back so that we can borrow the car. I finally got home at like quarter of 11...awesome! At least I had was definitely and adventure.
Went over to Sarah's to just chill and watch TV for a while. Nothing major. I also had an appointment with my allergist and was given a Nasal Lavage kit to try and make my nose happier. "Lavage" makes this process sound is not. This morning I took warm salty water and sprayed it up my nose until it came out the other nostril...definitely not a pleasant experience. I did knit for like 10 minutes last night...I did the first pattern row on the Column of Leaves scarf. Pathetic I know but it's all the knitting I've done this week!
Is payday and therefore awesome. Other than that I very much intend to stay home tonight and knit...most likely the Reversible Cable scarf since I would very much like to finish it at some point in the near future so that I can get to work on something else. Hopefully I'll have some pictures next time.
Friday, July 20, 2007
The Offer
So, I think the best way to start this entry off is with a little more background information. So I've just finished my first year at Tufts Medical School (1/4 MD YAY!!!). This summer I'm working in a Neurology lab at Beth Israel/Harvard doing some research on a rare kind of genetic epilepsy (Autosomal Dominant Lateral Temporal Lobe Epilepsy or ADLTE). The only reason I have this job is I happened to be the first to respond to an email that my entire class received when my boss was looking for someone to take a NIH funded training position for the summer. For some reason my boss was like beyond amped when he got my email so I basically had the job is just over 24 hours.
Fast forward to the present. I've been working my ass off running tons of experiments and writing protocols and doing research for a review on the protein complex that we're studying that's going to get some point in the near future. Earlier this week my boss came up to me within minutes of my getting in and offered me a job. Like take a year off from med school and work in his lab and get a few papers to my name including one where I would be the primary author. I can only imagine the look of bewildered panic that must have been on my face. So I'm thinking about it...and my first reaction is "Wait, when do you want me to do this?" Well of course he would prefer this coming year but if I really wanted he supposed he could wait a year. So I'm thinking some more...I don't really want to take this year off but maybe taking a year off before clinicals wouldn't suck too bad. Except I've always put school first...but that was so that I could go to med school and I'm already in med school so maybe it doesn't need to go first anymore? Except this whole idea of taking a year off makes me really uneasy and I just can't put my finger on it. So I talk to my parents because I'm living at home so it's going to affect them the most. My mom brings up the fact that by taking a year off I will a) probably have to start repayment on my loans (EEEK!!!) and b) not be able to get converage from my parents health insurance through the rest of med school. So I think some brain is a little worse for wear at this point...Tufts has this program called Selectives...I could do a research selective and then come in one more afternoon a week...that would give me 8 hours in the lab a week and that's plenty of time to run one of my experiments!
So I'm all pumped because I figured out a compromise and I might even get paid for the second afternoon that I come in every week...and getting a paycheck even if it's tiny is awesome!! So I try to talk to him yesterday but whenever I actually had more than 5 minutes to talk to him he was either on the phone or meeting with someone. And the one time I did get to talk to him some random person showed up unannounced to talk to him...GAH!!! So I go home last night a little irritated because I wanted to get things settled so that I could plan...cuz I'm a planner and that's what I do...I really need to finish that chapter in my Psychiatry textbook to see if I really do have Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder (probably not since I manage to function relatively well...just don't move my things around or I might have to kill you :P) Innywho, I get into work this morning and I get started on my experiments and I look to see if he's course not it's 8AM and I'm the only person on the entire floor! So then he finally comes in at like 9:30 and starts talking to me about all this stuff I need to order and all the experiments I'm going to have to run and pretty much out of nowhere is like "So you're not going to be staying here next year are you?" So then I explain to him how I can come twice and week and he looks like Christmas came early. So in sort I apparently not only managed to get myself a job in a Harvard lab for the summer but one for the school year too...I'd say that's pretty sweet.
And on a slightly more interesting note, Alicia and I are going to see Yarn Harlot when she comes to Burlington, MA in August...this is squee-tastic!! Also Harry Potter tonight...lots of Harry Potter. A friend (Sarah) and I are planning to go to the party at the Prudential Center Barnes and Nobles at 6 possibly hop over to the party in "Hogwarts" (Harvard) Square to see Harry and the Potters, Draco and the Malfoys, and the Hungarian Horntails then head back home to the Barnes and Noble in Walpole to get our numbers and at some point get dinner. And then it's home to read until I fall asleep then wake up early and finish reading. I love you Harry...and I will miss waiting for the next book to come out...but I will stay strong and I will survive.
Fast forward to the present. I've been working my ass off running tons of experiments and writing protocols and doing research for a review on the protein complex that we're studying that's going to get some point in the near future. Earlier this week my boss came up to me within minutes of my getting in and offered me a job. Like take a year off from med school and work in his lab and get a few papers to my name including one where I would be the primary author. I can only imagine the look of bewildered panic that must have been on my face. So I'm thinking about it...and my first reaction is "Wait, when do you want me to do this?" Well of course he would prefer this coming year but if I really wanted he supposed he could wait a year. So I'm thinking some more...I don't really want to take this year off but maybe taking a year off before clinicals wouldn't suck too bad. Except I've always put school first...but that was so that I could go to med school and I'm already in med school so maybe it doesn't need to go first anymore? Except this whole idea of taking a year off makes me really uneasy and I just can't put my finger on it. So I talk to my parents because I'm living at home so it's going to affect them the most. My mom brings up the fact that by taking a year off I will a) probably have to start repayment on my loans (EEEK!!!) and b) not be able to get converage from my parents health insurance through the rest of med school. So I think some brain is a little worse for wear at this point...Tufts has this program called Selectives...I could do a research selective and then come in one more afternoon a week...that would give me 8 hours in the lab a week and that's plenty of time to run one of my experiments!
So I'm all pumped because I figured out a compromise and I might even get paid for the second afternoon that I come in every week...and getting a paycheck even if it's tiny is awesome!! So I try to talk to him yesterday but whenever I actually had more than 5 minutes to talk to him he was either on the phone or meeting with someone. And the one time I did get to talk to him some random person showed up unannounced to talk to him...GAH!!! So I go home last night a little irritated because I wanted to get things settled so that I could plan...cuz I'm a planner and that's what I do...I really need to finish that chapter in my Psychiatry textbook to see if I really do have Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder (probably not since I manage to function relatively well...just don't move my things around or I might have to kill you :P) Innywho, I get into work this morning and I get started on my experiments and I look to see if he's course not it's 8AM and I'm the only person on the entire floor! So then he finally comes in at like 9:30 and starts talking to me about all this stuff I need to order and all the experiments I'm going to have to run and pretty much out of nowhere is like "So you're not going to be staying here next year are you?" So then I explain to him how I can come twice and week and he looks like Christmas came early. So in sort I apparently not only managed to get myself a job in a Harvard lab for the summer but one for the school year too...I'd say that's pretty sweet.
And on a slightly more interesting note, Alicia and I are going to see Yarn Harlot when she comes to Burlington, MA in August...this is squee-tastic!! Also Harry Potter tonight...lots of Harry Potter. A friend (Sarah) and I are planning to go to the party at the Prudential Center Barnes and Nobles at 6 possibly hop over to the party in "Hogwarts" (Harvard) Square to see Harry and the Potters, Draco and the Malfoys, and the Hungarian Horntails then head back home to the Barnes and Noble in Walpole to get our numbers and at some point get dinner. And then it's home to read until I fall asleep then wake up early and finish reading. I love you Harry...and I will miss waiting for the next book to come out...but I will stay strong and I will survive.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Insanity I had heard how much Ravelry could eat my time and how I was going to have a million things I wanted to knit after browsing around for a few minutes but I didn't think it was going to be so bad!!! I have 11 patterns in my queue after 2 days...11!!!! So so many things I want to knit and so little time!! Hopefully once I get my big afghan projects out of the way I can move on to smaller things that I can actually feel like I'm getting something accomplished with. I've made quite a bit of progress on the Reversible Cable Scarf since Friday...watching movies for almost 4 hours Friday night definitely helped on that front:P Now if only my boss would stop giving me so many papers to read and experiments to run so that I could actually enjoy my summer and knit till my heart's content.
Ah well, at least I got my experiments up and running again today. I was having some issues with getting my gels to...well...gel these past few days. Turns out that since no one has done my kind of experiment (Westerns for those of you who are scientifically inclined) for years that one of the most finicky reagents had gone so bad that it made rancid meat look good. So I bummed some off of one of the other people on the floor and got everything working. Now if only I could figure out what happened to that fourth set of sponges...
Innywho time to get reading in the vain hope that I can knit a little bit later on tonight. Maybe I will take a break from the cables for a little while...maybe not...
Ah well, at least I got my experiments up and running again today. I was having some issues with getting my gels to...well...gel these past few days. Turns out that since no one has done my kind of experiment (Westerns for those of you who are scientifically inclined) for years that one of the most finicky reagents had gone so bad that it made rancid meat look good. So I bummed some off of one of the other people on the floor and got everything working. Now if only I could figure out what happened to that fourth set of sponges...
Innywho time to get reading in the vain hope that I can knit a little bit later on tonight. Maybe I will take a break from the cables for a little while...maybe not...
Friday, July 13, 2007
Finally got my Ravelry invite today. Quite possibly the worst day for it to happen since I am desperately trying to read approximately a million papers to write a review for the lab that I'm working in for the summer. But I think that I have managed to organize and play enough that I can concentrate now. But first as promised I have some pictures of WIPs and FOs
Reversible Cable Scarf
Warm Up America Afghan
Champagne by Night Afghan
Cabled Purse
I've also cast on the Column of Leaves Scarf...because I have knitting ADD...but that only has like 4 rows on it and therefore isn't really worth posting. Ok...time to get down to business on this damn paper...
Reversible Cable Scarf

Thursday, July 12, 2007
And so it begins...
Hi...I'm Moriah and I just finished my first year of medical school. I spend most of my time studying because that's what med school's all about but I love knitting. I've been finding myself reading all sorts of knitting blogs and it makes me want one here I am with my knitting blog that probably no one will ever read except me. I'll post pictures of things that I'm working on and the like when I actually get my camera and computer in the same room at the same time :P
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ASCRS 2017
So I had the awesome opportunity to present some of my research at the annual meeting for the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgery. ...
-'s been a while since I've given you much of anything to look at...which means that I have a ton of pictures for you. B...
There's been a lot of changes happening around here lately. Not the least of which being that I finished my surgical rotation. I had m...